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Amelia Gates


My name is Amelia and I’m a small animal vet currently working in the South West. I graduated from the University of Surrey in 2021 and moved away from my home in London to try a different lifestyle in Somerset. Since graduating I have failed to resist adopting a stray kitten, who now rules my home, as well as my obligatory black labrador which comes as standard with a Somerset and Devon post code. I now spend my weekends hiking, at dog classes or painting. Professionally I have a particular interest in ophthalmology and cat friendly clinics.

Latest articles by Amelia Gates

Update on Grain Free Diets
Update on Grain Free Diets
You’ve probably heard it before- “my dog is on a great diet, lots of protein and grain free”. But what does “grain free” actually mean, and is it associated with better quality food? Why are people choosing to purchase g…
July 10, 2024 • 454 shares
How to find a cheap vet near you
Vet Prices
How to find a cheap vet near you
Inflation and cost of living increases have affected all of us; from electricity bills to a cup of coffee, to veterinary care. As a private sector industry providing healthcare for the UK’s beloved pets, it has come unde…
June 29, 2024 • 7 shares
Sudden onset arthritis in a dog - could it be immune arthritis?
Common Conditions
Sudden onset arthritis in a dog - could it be immune arthritis?
Arthritis is a general term for inflammation and pain of the joints. It is a common condition affecting both people and animals and comes in different forms. In dogs, the most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis (…
June 28, 2024 • 27 shares
Assessing quality of life for older cats
Animal Welfare
Assessing quality of life for older cats
The term “quality of life” is used a lot in veterinary medicine This refers to whether a pet is living a life worth living; a balance between positive and negative life experiences. Quality of life becomes particularly i…
June 10, 2024 • 12 shares
Top vet calls out dangers of raw foods
Controversial topics
Top vet calls out dangers of raw foods
You may not be aware that there has recently been something of a row about raw food. The UK’s only RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Clinical Nutrition (the top level of veterinary expert) has voiced strong concerns about…
April 17, 2024 • 132 shares • 1 comments
What is amyloidosis in cats and is it common?
What is amyloidosis in cats and is it common?
You might have heard of amyloidosis - but the chances are it’s a bit of a mystery to you, as it’s not a widely known condition. So we asked our vet blogger Amelia to look into the condition……
April 14, 2024 • 403 shares
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