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Claire Turner


Claire grew up in Cheshire before moving to London to study at the Royal Veterinary College. On graduating in 2010, Claire spent time at a charity clinic in South Africa before returning to the UK to take up a position in a mixed practice in the Cotswolds. After enjoying over ten years seeing all manner of creatures great and small, Claire moved to a small animal practice in Gloucestershire and now splits her days between running a fully kitted out mobile consulting van and consulting or operating in the clinic. Claire lives with her husband, young daughter and rescue cat, Nigel, and in her spare time enjoys photography, baking and playing hockey.

Latest articles by Claire Turner

Assessing quality of life for older dogs
Animal Welfare
Assessing quality of life for older dogs
As our pets age, we start to become aware of their own mortality but it isn’t the quantity of their life that should be the priority, but the quality. Quality of life is a phrase that’s banded around a lot in veterinary…
February 16, 2025 • 51 shares
Alcohol toxicity in dogs and cats
Alcohol toxicity in dogs and cats
Many of us enjoy a cheeky little festive drink (or two) around this time of year. And very often, with all the social gatherings, there tends to be a lot more alcohol around at home than usual - the sherry, the port, the…
December 30, 2024 • 33 shares
Can dogs and cats get carbon monoxide poisoning?
Can dogs and cats get carbon monoxide poisoning?
Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas that can prove fatal if inhaled. It is a by-product of the burning of fuels such as coal, oil or gas when there isn’t enough oxygen available to enable complet…
November 25, 2024 • 39 shares
Do Boxer dogs get many health problems?
Do Boxer dogs get many health problems?
The Boxer dog is one of the most common breeds in both the UK and the USA; consistently featuring in the ‘Top 20 most common dog breeds’. They tend to be docile yet playful dogs, loyal to their owners, and can make great…
October 4, 2024 • 29 shares
What is Chediak-Higashi Syndrome in cats?
What is Chediak-Higashi Syndrome in cats?
Probably one of the more unusual-sounding conditions that can be seen in cats, Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that was first described in humans in the early 1940s, causing albinism, easy bruising an…
September 1, 2024 • 28 shares
Should I get pet insurance for my cross-breed dog?
Should I get pet insurance for my cross-breed dog?
Cross-breeds are, as the name suggests, a mixture of two or more breeds. Historically, cross-breeds were always seen as healthier than a pure-breed dog. But is this true and does it affect whether you should get pet insu…
August 6, 2024 • 17 shares
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