I graduated in Portugal and moved to the UK soon after to practice as a small animal veterinary surgeon. Since then, I have worked in several clinical settings, including first-opinion practices, out-of-hours providers, referral services, shelters and telemedicine. I enjoy all aspects my job as a vet but the ability to make a positive difference in both pets and people's lives is what motivates me to get out of bed every morning and continue doing what I do!
When not working, I can be found exploring the world or doing some form of physical activity, hiking and playing tennis being my favourites!
Latest articles by Diana Falcao
Is it OK to breed a litter from my dog?
Whether because you think your dog might enjoy parenthood; you like them so much you would like to have a mini-version of them; you’ve heard it is good for their health; breeding seems like a good financial investment; o…
March 26, 2022
How many vet visits does a cat need?
Norman hates the vets. Not only is the place full of loud scary dogs, but also the vet insists on keeping him on a tiny table and touching him in places everyone knows a cat should never be touched! Not to talk of the ne…
March 13, 2022
Is there palliative care for dogs?
Palliative care can be a controversial topic, even in human health; however, in a survey conducted in 2019 by Public Opinion, on behalf of Centre to Advanced Palliative Care (CAPC), more than eight in ten consumers state…
January 27, 2022
My dog hasn't eaten for 2 days, what should I do?
Eating is one of the most basic needs of any animal’s body, including us! Not only is it necessary to provide us with energy, micro and macronutrients, but it also tastes good and nourishes our soul. As humans, we enjoy…
January 17, 2022
Should dogs be allowed to chew sticks?
Dogs have long been associated with sticks and bones. Who doesn’t feel a bout of joy when looking at a smiley dog running and enjoying their new-found treasure? I certainly do! However, stick-chewing, like many good thin…
January 7, 2022
Why do cats yowl?
Between cats and dogs, our feline friends have the reputation of being the quiet ones. However, that is not always the case and cats can be, or become, pretty vocal; so should you worry if your cat is or has become the l…
January 4, 2022