Growing up in Glasgow, Fiona graduated from the city's veterinary school in 2005 before relocating to Scotland's north-east where she worked as a companion animal and exotic animal vet for several years. A desire to volunteer at a charity vet clinic in a Pacific Island nation brought her to the Southern Hemisphere where she has since settled in New Zealand. Although private practice has been the mainstay of her work, Fiona has continued to support not-for-profits through additional volunteering in a South American vet clinic, and regular voluntary support of a local wildlife hospital alongside becoming a conservation researcher. Through these roles she has developed particular interests in feline behaviour, husbandry and symptom recognition in exotic species, and wildlife rehabilitation and research.
Her clinical articles are edited by David Harris BVSc MRCVS for the UK readership.
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Where's the best place to put a cat's bed?
Our pet cats sleep a lot. In fact, most adult cats sleep on average 15 hours a day. Senior cats and kittens may even sleep more than that. As devoted owners, we want to provide a safe and cosy spot for our feline compani…
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All about Acromegaly in cats
You’re probably familiar with the concept that hormones are the body’s messengers. Released in one part of the body, they travel to another prompting some kind of response in a target organ. Hormones have many functions,…
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What is a sebaceous gland adenoma in dogs?
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"Weak" Immune systems: Immunocompromising disorders of dogs
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Why does my dog only eat from my hand?
It is often said that the way to a dog’s heart is through its stomach. We often see dogs as lovers of food, eager to get into everything and anything. But for some dogs, getting them to eat food can be a challenge. And t…