Georgina Kivneen

BVMedSci (hons), BVM BVS (hons), MRCVS

Since graduating from vet school, Georgina has gained a variety of experience from small animal and equine practice to wildlife and undergraduate teaching. She is currently undertaking a Masters’ in Conservation Medicine as well as a diploma in Journalism. She has professional interests in diagnostic imaging, pain management and anaesthesia and will be undertaking an internship in the latter in the new year. She also has experience in tutoring prospective vet students and has a passion for all things sustainable. Asides from veterinary related things, she is a keen tennis player, amateur photographer and musician. And she shares her house with a dog named Margo and a grumpy tortoise called Gerald!

Latest articles by Georgina Kivneen

Can veterinary practices actually be environmentally sustainable?
Can veterinary practices actually be environmentally sustainable?
Over the past decade, there has been a significant shift in how sustainability is perceived within the workplace. Previously, it may have been regarded as a passing thought or minor concern, but now it is viewed as a ser…
May 14, 2024 • 12 shares
Do crossbred dogs really live longer?
Do crossbred dogs really live longer?
Dogs, like people, are unique. From appearance and behaviour to genetic disease susceptibility and lifespan, dogs on both a breed and individual level are very different to one another.  A recent publication by McMi…
April 4, 2024 • 57 shares
Is “gold standard
Life as vet - what its like
Is “gold standard" always the best option for veterinary care?
The term “gold standard” is frequently heard within a veterinary setting, but what exactly does it mean? Furthermore, is it a good thing? Let's discuss.
January 19, 2024 • 17 shares
Does my vet experiment on my pet?
Animal Welfare
Does my vet experiment on my pet?
This question makes an appearance on social media every now and again, and attracts reasonable discussion. The simple answer is no, we do not “experiment” on your pet. However, in certain scenarios, with thorough thought…
December 28, 2023 • 18 shares
Now that XL Bully dogs are defined in law, what does this mean for their owners?
Now that XL Bully dogs are defined in law, what does this mean for their owners?
Given the recent governmental announcement, XL Bully dogs will be added to the banned breeds list within the Dangerous Dogs Act. They will join the Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasileiro, mea…
November 21, 2023 • 624 shares
Why is my dog going bald?
Common Conditions
Why is my dog going bald?
Alopecia, or fur loss, is incredibly common amongst dogs, and is something your vet sees on a regular basis. Bothersome to pets and owners alike, alopecia can affect your furry friend in a plethora of ways; varying in si…
November 12, 2023 • 16 shares
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