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Heather Nicholls BVM&S CertAVP (EM) MRCVS

Latest articles by Heather Nicholls BVM&S CertAVP (EM) MRCVS

Which rabbit breed is the healthiest?
Which rabbit breed is the healthiest?
If you are thinking of adding a rabbit to your household, ensuring their health and wellbeing will be one of your top priorities. When making your decision, you may be wondering how breed affects their health. Read on to…
June 28, 2022 • 5 shares
How much does it really cost to keep a pony?
How much does it really cost to keep a pony?
If it is your dream to own a pony, there is a big financial commitment to consider. Not only are there the initial costs involved with purchasing a pony and all the necessary equipment; but consideration must also be giv…
May 12, 2022 • 66 shares
Why does my horse have diarrhoea?
Why does my horse have diarrhoea?
If your horse develops diarrhoea, it can understandably be a cause for concern. What has caused it, and how do you know whether the illness is serious? What do you do if your horse develops diarrhoea? We’ll explore these…
May 5, 2022 • 23 shares
How to house-train a kitten
How to house-train a kitten
Have you recently given a home to a new kitten? There are lots of steps to consider when settling a new kitten into your household. Many of these have been covered in a previous Vet Help Direct article. In this article w…
March 31, 2022 • 28 shares • 2 comments
Smaller dog, smaller insurance premium?
New Pet
Smaller dog, smaller insurance premium?
As veterinary medicine becomes more advanced, it is more important than ever to have pet insurance in place to cover the cost of any unexpected veterinary treatments. You may be wondering what factors influence the cost…
March 24, 2022 • 24 shares
Why does my horse trip so much?
Why does my horse trip so much?
A horse that has a tendency to trip or stumble can potentially cause safety concerns for their rider. And tripping in the middle of a dressage test or showjumping round could be disastrous for their competitive chances!…
March 17, 2022 • 74 shares • 1 comments
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