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Heather Nicholls BVM&S CertAVP (EM) MRCVS

Latest articles by Heather Nicholls BVM&S CertAVP (EM) MRCVS

Life and Death – Blocked bladders in cats and dogs
Life and Death – Blocked bladders in cats and dogs
A blocked bladder - or urethral obstruction - is a potentially life-threatening condition. The term means partial or complete blockage of the urethra, which is the tube that runs from the bladder to the external genitali…
June 1, 2020 • 44 shares • 7 comments
Is my Dog Sleeping Too Much?
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Is my Dog Sleeping Too Much?
Dogs seem to have a great ability to nod off and grab some shut-eye at any time of the day or night! But how do you know if your dog’s sleeping patterns are normal? Especially with a lot of us being at home with our pets…
May 23, 2020 • 24 shares
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