Joana Figueira Costa da Silva Cruse


Joana is originally from Portugal where she graduated from vet school in 2013. She has worked in Portugal in farm animal practice to gain experience before moving to the UK in 2016 where she joined a farm animal practice in beautiful Cornwall.
Cornwall has won her heart, and this is where she has decided to put roots down. In recent years Joana has moved to a dairy only practice as the dairy industry is where she would like to dedicate her focus and she has recently completed a certificate with the University of Liverpool.
In her spare time, Joana likes to run or walk the beautiful Cornish coast.

Latest articles by Joana Figueira Costa da Silva Cruse

Podiatry for cows: preventing lameness by preventative treatments
Farm animal
Podiatry for cows: preventing lameness by preventative treatments
Lameness is one of the most important diseases in cattle; one that has a high number of cases in the UK and costs on average £200 per case. A hidden financial effect of lameness is its impact on fertility, so while it is…
October 23, 2023 • 18 shares
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