Kate Costaras BVMedSci (hons) BVMBVS (hons) GPCert(SAM) MRCVS

Latest articles by Kate Costaras BVMedSci (hons) BVMBVS (hons) GPCert(SAM) MRCVS

Is my cat in heat?
Is my cat in heat?
Is your unneutered female cat suddenly all over you? Have you noticed a group of male cats congregating at your back door? These could all be signs that your female cat is in heat. Read on to find out what we mean by the…
February 19, 2021 • 58 shares
My dog has a cough - is it a cold or COVID-19?
Common Conditions
My dog has a cough - is it a cold or COVID-19?
Just like us, dogs can have the odd cough every now and then. However, if your dog starts coughing regularly, it could be a sign of more serious underlying problems requiring treatment. In the current pandemic, COVID-19…
December 1, 2020 • 138 shares
Chronic kidney disease in cats
Common Conditions
Chronic kidney disease in cats
The kidneys are part of the urinary system, they filter blood to remove waste products. This forms urine, which is transported to the bladder. The kidneys have a huge number of roles within the body; alongside getting ri…
November 25, 2020 • 367 shares • 3 comments
Out of Hours Veterinary Clinics
Life as vet - what its like
Out of Hours Veterinary Clinics
Like us, our pets can suffer accidents and become ill on any day of the week and at any time of day or night. When this happens you will need to use an emergency or ‘out of hours’ vets. While you may be familiar with the…
November 17, 2020 • 30 shares
How often should cats’ whiskers be trimmed?
How often should cats’ whiskers be trimmed?
While it may seem tempting to smarten up your cat’s appearance and give their wild unruly whiskers a neat trim, this should never be done and we will explain why.
October 22, 2020 • 502 shares • 12 comments
How much does it cost to keep a dog?
How much does it cost to keep a dog?
Bringing a dog into your family is a big commitment; it is important to consider whether they will fit into your lifestyle and how they will impact your finances. The cost of dog ownership is dependent on the size of the…
September 16, 2020 • 36 shares • 2 comments
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