Kate Cavanagh BVSc MRCVS

Latest articles by Kate Cavanagh BVSc MRCVS

Autumn Hazards
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Autumn Hazards
As autumn arrives, the nights draw in and the weather changes. New hazards to our pets emerge for us to be aware of. Here are my top ten autumn dangers...
September 27, 2019 • 39 shares
Why is my cat's fur falling out?
Why is my cat's fur falling out?
Hair loss in cats is almost always due to excessive grooming from itchiness (pruritus). They often do this in secret so may not be seen. In the UK, fleas are the most common cause of this over-grooming. The general veter…
September 23, 2019 • 36 shares
Why is my cat meowing?
Why is my cat meowing?
Research has found some 19 different vocal patterns in cats, with individuals adding personal sounds only used with their owners. Most sounds fall into three groups: closed mouth greeting (purr or chirrup), fixed open mo…
September 16, 2019 • 263 shares • 16 comments
Why is my dog scratching? He hasn't got fleas!
Ask a vet
Why is my dog scratching? He hasn't got fleas!
Dogs do occasionally scratch, but if it’s frequent, incessant or distressing then something is amiss. Some dogs will lick or nibble rather than scratch. Many do this in private so watch out for red, sore skin, bald patch…
August 19, 2019 • 496 shares • 13 comments
Why is my cat drinking so much?
Why is my cat drinking so much?
While there may be a simple explanation for your cat’s apparent increased thirst (such as hot weather!), it should not be ignored. A true increased thirst (known as polydipsia) may be a symptom of an underlying problem.
August 5, 2019 • 140 shares • 2 comments
Children and pets - having fun, while staying safe
News and Comment
Children and pets - having fun, while staying safe
With 45% of the population having a pet in the household, it seems many agree that pets are part of the family unit. They bring us joy, and help teach children how to be responsible, caring and animal-loving adults. Give…
August 2, 2019 • 66 shares
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