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Katie Jones


Originally from Staffordshire and living at home with my two large dogs Ronnie and Rae; I graduated from Nottingham Trent University back in 2018 with a degree in Business Management and have always had an interest in social media, marketing and producing research to help others, however the main interest that I have also carried has been animals! After working in recruitment for 3 years I decided it was time to put my wishes into real life and take the path onto becoming a veterinary nurse, so now studying at Reaseheath College and working full time as a student veterinary nurse, my dream is becoming a reality – and alongside this I get to manage the social media for the practice I work for, along with writing helpful blogs for you.
Outside of work I participate in a lot of fundraising and voluntary work for the local community, at the side of running a small business creating eco-friendly enrichment toys for dogs (after facing the struggles of a 24/7 hyper German Shepherd and a Rottweiler X that can’t seem to make a meal last more than 4 seconds at home).

Latest articles by Katie Jones

Best Toys for Dogs in the Summer
Best Toys for Dogs in the Summer
Well, what a summer it has been so far! As I sit here after the hottest two days of the year (or what feels like the hottest days of my life), all I can do is worry about my two dogs and how they must be feeling with the…
August 18, 2022 • 20 shares
How Do I Find A Behaviourist For My Dog?
How Do I Find A Behaviourist For My Dog?
Let me guess... you have a dog that has certain behaviours which make you feel emotionally drained or frustrated? Well, this is happening to more people than you think. And you are already taking the best steps to findin…
July 19, 2022 • 70 shares
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