Laura Waring


Latest articles by Laura Waring

Can Alabama Rot be treated?
Common Conditions
Can Alabama Rot be treated?
Alabama rot is a rare disease of dogs which has been identified in the UK since 2012. “Alabama Rot” is also known by its more technical name of cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy or CRGV. Cases of CRGV are seen…
January 28, 2021 • 543 shares
Do cats need cat flu vaccines?
Do cats need cat flu vaccines?
Cats are susceptible to a range of infectious diseases, some of which can be protected against using vaccinations. Routine care including vaccinations have improved the welfare of cats and helped to prevent serious and s…
January 17, 2021 • 18 shares • 1 comments
Why do cats sleep so much?
Why do cats sleep so much?
We’ve probably all noticed it… our feline friends are great at finding somewhere to drop off for a nap! But why is that? Vet blogger Laura investigates……
January 10, 2021 • 7 shares • 6 comments
Why does my dog have an enlarged prostate?
Common Conditions
Why does my dog have an enlarged prostate?
Hearing the news that your dog has an enlarged prostate is bound to be alarming. However, enlargement of the prostate is a common occurrence in male dogs who are entire (uncastrated). Some studies estimate that up to 80%…
January 6, 2021 • 62 shares
Why do rabbits and rodents eat their poo? The wonderful world of caecotrophy
Why do rabbits and rodents eat their poo? The wonderful world of caecotrophy
Caecotrophy might not be a term you have come across before. So what exactlty does it mean? Which pets do this and why do they do it? Caecotrophy is a fascinating digestive strategy which some small mammals use in order…
December 20, 2020 • 15 shares • 1 comments
Can I give my dog paracetamol?
Can I give my dog paracetamol?
Paracetamol. or as its also known acetaminophen. is one of the most widely used human medications. It is available without a prescription, over the counter. Chances are you have some paracetamol at home, it is used most…
December 19, 2020 • 105 shares
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