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Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS

Liz qualified as a vet in 2005 and has worked in a wide range of small animal practices.

Latest articles by Liz Buchanan BVSc MRCVS

What happens when a vet removes an eye from a dog?
What happens when a vet removes an eye from a dog?
These are dramatic, but not uncommon or even difficult operations. Dogs manage quite well with only one eye and the cosmetic effect is often kinder than people imagine, with the cavity covered over with hairy skin, that…
June 7, 2021 • 15 shares
My dog has raised liver enzymes, what does that mean?
My dog has raised liver enzymes, what does that mean?
So, your vet has told you that your dog has raised liver enzymes. Understandably, you'll probably have a few questions.; is it serious? What might have caused it? And, what exactly does it mean? As is often the case, the…
April 23, 2021 • 286 shares • 227 comments
How and Why do vets Amputate Limbs?
Life as vet - what its like
How and Why do vets Amputate Limbs?
Most people have, at some point, met a pet with only three legs. The reasons for amputating animals' limbs are as wide and varied as the reasons in humans. Some pets develop tumours such as osteosarcomas, which sit in t…
November 24, 2020 • 30 shares • 2 comments
Could my pet have internal bleeding?
Life and Death
Could my pet have internal bleeding?
We know about external bleeding because we can see it; we know how severe it can be. But hidden bleeding on the inside of our pets can be much more difficult to spot and just as serious.
August 31, 2020 • 244 shares • 1 comments
Blood pressure problems in dogs and cats
Ask a vet
Blood pressure problems in dogs and cats
We know what pressure is, it's the feeling of being leaned on, or pushed on, by some external force. And of course, we know that blood travels in biological pipes called vessels.
August 11, 2020 • 49 shares
What's an ulcer? And does my pet have one?
Common Conditions
What's an ulcer? And does my pet have one?
Why do animals get ulcers? A Very General Veterinary Guide 'Ulcer' is an ugly sort of word in my opinion. This is appropriate, because ulcers are painful and unpleasant. But what - exactly - is an ulcer, where are they f…
July 30, 2020 • 44 shares
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