Lizzie Samuel


Lizzie has worked as an equine, mixed and small animal vet. She also works as a coach in the veterinary industry and outside it as a parenting coach. She is interested in all aspects veterinary practice and clinical work, client communication and improving veterinary wellbeing and resilience. Outside of work she enjoys playing violin and piano, running on the beach with her dog, playing with her daughter, learning to draw and sailing with friends.

Latest articles by Lizzie Samuel

Vet Prices - Have Standards in Care Really Changed?
Vet Prices
Vet Prices - Have Standards in Care Really Changed?
There is no doubt, as with many things, that veterinary prices have increased in many ways for many reasons over the past decade. However, it is important when we draw comparisons to check we are comparing like for like…
May 19, 2024 • 197 shares
How long do vet consults last for?
Vet Prices
How long do vet consults last for?
Veterinary consults in the UK can vary in length between 5 and 60+ minutes depending on the practice. But why is there so much variation? What does this mean for you? And what are the cost variations?…
April 23, 2024 • 84 shares
Why is my vet asking so many questions? How to help your vet get to the bottom of the problem
Why is my vet asking so many questions? How to help your vet get to the bottom of the problem
There are some days when being a vet can feel a little like being a sleuth. We are looking for clues. Asking questions. Trying to dig out the important facts. To understand the reason why, to tease out what is the most l…
March 30, 2024 • 34 shares
How to Talk to My Vet about if Palliative Care is Right for My Pet
end of life
How to Talk to My Vet about if Palliative Care is Right for My Pet
As pet owners, we all dread a diagnosis of cancer, organ failure or a progressive disease that will affect the quality or length of life of our beloved pet. These can often result in a bewildering array of aggressive tre…
March 19, 2024 • 15 shares
How do I talk to my vet about wanting a second opinion?
Difficult Conversations
How do I talk to my vet about wanting a second opinion?
Some conversations in veterinary practice are trickier than others. Sometimes we need a little guidance on them. What happens when you want to ask your vet for a second opinion? Do you need their permission? How does the…
February 16, 2024 • 6 shares
Should I allow my older pet to have one more Christmas?
Should I allow my older pet to have one more Christmas?
It is never easy to say goodbye to your beloved pet. However, something we don’t often enough discuss is how difficult it is to make the decision to say goodbye. Perhaps, even more so around the festive period. …
December 15, 2023 • 48 shares
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