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Marise Curran


Marise graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2015 and currently splits her time between two veterinary job roles in the Midlands. During the week she enjoys the feel-good factor that comes with working for a well-known small animal veterinary charity and weekend nights are spent managing the fact-paced emergency caseload of a 24/7 hospital. She is nearing the end of a certificate of advanced veterinary practice in emergency and critical care and this is where her clinical passion lies.
Writing is a new adventure for her but she is keen to facilitate the provision of educational information for the pet-owning public. She is passionate about ensuring pet owners have a reliable source of accurate information they can rely on and refer to when needed and communicating veterinary knowledge in an accessible and easy to read format. In her (scarce!) spare time she enjoys exploring the Peak District with her rescue Lurcher, Tia, running, yoga, reading and now of course writing!

Latest articles by Marise Curran

How effective are puppy vaccines?
How effective are puppy vaccines?
With the rollout of Covid-19 vaccinations in full swing, vaccines are a hot topic. Quite rightly we are all taking more interest in how they work, if they’re safe and if we should be getting them.
February 23, 2021 • 24 shares • 1 comments
How do vets treat blood loss in cats and dogs?
At the Vet
How do vets treat blood loss in cats and dogs?
Taking your pet to the vet can be stressful and if your companion is bleeding it is understandable that you will be very worried. The way your vet will address the bleeding will very much depend on the cause. This may no…
February 22, 2021 • 7 shares
Why is my cat sneezing?
Why is my cat sneezing?
As the nights draw in and the seasons change, we find ourselves suffering from the occasional cough and sniffle. But what about our feline friends? …
January 7, 2021 • 59 shares • 2 comments
Can dogs eat turkey for Christmas dinner?
Can dogs eat turkey for Christmas dinner?
The presents have all been opened, Christmas lunch is over and every family member is full of turkey. Except for one. Those big puppy dog eyes looking longingly at you over the leftover turkey, and asking for a Christmas…
December 25, 2020 • 1 comments
When should I be concerned that my dog or cat is bleeding?
Common Conditions
When should I be concerned that my dog or cat is bleeding?
Most people get queasy at the sight of blood, and for good reason. In both people and animals, bleeding is usually a sign that medical attention is required. Understandably, the sight of your beloved furry companion blee…
December 2, 2020 • 46 shares • 6 comments
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