Megan Jacques-Ross


After graduating from the University of Liverpool in 2019, Meg worked as a mixed equine and companion animal vet on the Devon/Cornwall border before relocating to Australia to work at a busy racetrack practice in Queensland, where she developed her interests in dentistry and diagnostic imaging.

Following a break to do some travelling, including some volunteering with horses and donkeys in the Gambia, Meg has returned to the South West.

Meg grew up on the coast of West Wales doing all things Pony Club as well as riding on the beach. She still likes to ride when she gets time, alongside surfing and trail running.

Latest articles by Megan Jacques-Ross

Hay vs haylage: what's the best forage for horses?
Hay vs haylage: what's the best forage for horses?
Forage is vital for any horse or pony and should form the main building blocks of their diet, but the options available can be mind boggling. Understanding the benefits and shortfalls of each forage type can help owners…
June 13, 2024 • 9 shares
Do cats get cataracts?
Do cats get cataracts?
Cataracts are often associated with elderly people, giving them a stereotypical hazy eyed appearance and contributing to disruptions in eye sight. But what are they? And can they affect our pets too? We know elderly dogs…
April 28, 2024 • 39 shares • 1 comments
Colic surgery in horses - why does it usually need referral?
Colic surgery in horses - why does it usually need referral?
No word strikes fear into the heart of a horse owner more than ‘colic’, and most will have experience of it in some context. Unfortunately, colic remains one of the biggest causes of death in horses worldwide. And it is…
April 18, 2024 • 36 shares
How much land do I need for a pony?
How much land do I need for a pony?
Owning and caring for a pony is great fun and immensely rewarding. However, it’s also a big responsibility, with lots of things to think about. One of the biggest questions many owners have is “How much land do I need to…
April 11, 2024 • 128 shares
Nose nets for horses - do they actually do anything?
Nose nets for horses - do they actually do anything?
Most people involved with horses will have seen a horse at a competition or out riding with a net or piece of mesh, known as a ‘nose net’, covering their nose or muzzle. But are these yet another ‘tack fad’ or do they ac…
March 24, 2024 • 161 shares
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