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Dr Olivia Speight BVSc MRCVS

Olivia graduated in 2015 from The University of Liverpool. After graduation she went to work in a first-opinion mixed practice in the midlands. Her main areas of interest include surgery and a strong interest in rabbit welfare, medicine and dentistry which she continues to develop in practice. Owning rescue rabbits since 2010 she has first-hand experience of rabbit ownership and is keen to help educate and support others. Outside of work you’ll find her with her ever-growing menagerie of animals (mostly previous stray/rescue cases through work) or out riding or competing with her horse.

Latest articles by Dr Olivia Speight BVSc MRCVS

Rat or Guinea Pig - which makes the best pet?
Best Pet
Rat or Guinea Pig - which makes the best pet?
Oh what a debate! So, you’ve made the decision to welcome a small pet into your family lives. You’ve discussed it and decided that you’re ready to provide everything they need: keep them fed, sheltered, happy, healthy an…
November 22, 2020 • 31 shares
Rabbit Friendly Practice – How To Find A Vet
Rabbit Friendly Practice – How To Find A Vet
Most small-animal vets will be happy and very capable to provide veterinary treatment to rabbits. However, like everything you will find that there are some vets who will have a particular interest in treating rabbits. T…
October 1, 2020 • 29 shares
Why is my rabbit lopsided?
Why is my rabbit lopsided?
Rabbits come in all shapes and sizes - floppy lop-ears, sticky-up ears and some in-between; but whatever their ears are doing your bunny shouldn’t have a head-tilt. There are a few different reasons why your rabbit might…
January 3, 2020 • 70 shares • 7 comments
Why are my rabbits fighting?
Why are my rabbits fighting?
It’s completely normal to have the occasional disagreement in any household or relationship, but when these can’t be resolved or escalate into a full-blown domestic it’s a problem. The same goes for your pets and their r…
November 18, 2019 • 82 shares • 64 comments
Why Is My Rat Crying Blood?
Ask a vet
Why Is My Rat Crying Blood?
As Halloween approaches get ready for the witches, broomsticks, black cats and rats to be out and about in the full force of fancy dress. You may notice that rats get a really rough deal; they’re often portrayed as the b…
October 30, 2019 • 319 shares • 26 comments
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