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Penny Clarke


Penny graduated from The Royal Veterinary College, University of London in 2003. She spent 2 years working in a small-animal practice in Wiltshire before moving to Warwickshire where she still works in a busy, small animal hospital. Penny is a freelance copywriter and loves writing about all things veterinary in a clear, understandable way.

Latest articles by Penny Clarke

Do dogs need the Lepto vaccine and what is Leptospirosis?
Do dogs need the Lepto vaccine and what is Leptospirosis?
This is one of the most divisive subjects to stir debate within the dog world in recent years. Most UK vets advise routinely vaccinating dogs against leptospirosis (commonly called lepto) as part of their yearly booster…
March 11, 2021 • 207 shares • 11 comments
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