Dr Pete Wedderburn BVM&S CertVR MRCVSDr

Latest articles by Dr Pete Wedderburn BVM&S CertVR MRCVSDr

New study shows that spayed & neutered dogs live for longer and die of different diseases compared to entire dogs
It was just last month that I wrote a blog here about the pros and cons of the decision on whether or not to spay/castrate your dog. This seems to be an area which is coming under increasing scrutiny by researchers, perh…
July 7, 2013 • 25 shares
Was I wrong to castrate my young male dog? And is it wrong to spay young female dogs?
I knew I wasn't going to breed from my Hungarian Viszla so I made the decision to have him neutered which I did at six months old. Since then I have been told by the breeding fraternity that neutering at such an early ag…
May 24, 2013 • 2 shares • 16 comments
Dog Vaccinations: are they really necessary?
Tomorrow is World Veterinary Day (WVD), an annual event that highlights the role of veterinary profession around the world. This year's theme is the importance of vaccination to animal health. Over the past two hundred y…
April 25, 2013 • 99 shares • 48 comments
Protect your dogs: lock up your Easter Eggs
Easter is a celebration of the Christian faith, but in our modern secular world, it's known more for the celebration of eating chocolate, in the form of Easter eggs. Chocolate is a popular treat for humans, but it's also…
March 29, 2013 • 5 shares
Life as vet - what its like
High graduate debt, falling demand for pet health care & corporatisation. The veterinary profession is changing: is it for better or worse?
There's a lot of debate going on right now about the future of the veterinary profession. Many vets are worried about the current trend which basically follows this path: 1) Huge demand to study veterinary, especially am…
February 25, 2013 • 16 comments
Urban foxes - could your pet cat be the next victim?
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Urban foxes - could your pet cat be the next victim?
Following reports of another attack on a baby by an urban fox in London, many people have been worried about the risk not just of foxes attacking children, but also pets. Cats in particular often spend much of their time…
February 14, 2013 • 1556 shares • 287 comments
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