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Rachel Kenvyn BVSc (Distinction), PgC (SAS) GPCert (SAS) MRCVS

Latest articles by Rachel Kenvyn BVSc (Distinction), PgC (SAS) GPCert (SAS) MRCVS

What happens when your vet does an 'Ex Lap'?
Life and Death
What happens when your vet does an 'Ex Lap'?
What is ‘ex-lap’? So your vet tells you, “your pet needs an ex-lap”. Many thoughts go through your mind. What is an ex-lap? What does this mean for my pet exactly?  ‘Ex-lap’ is short for exploratory laparotomy. It s…
September 2, 2020 • 290 shares
My pet has been referred to a specialist, what happens next?
Life as vet - what its like
My pet has been referred to a specialist, what happens next?
From time to time your pet’s illness or symptoms may fall outside the expertise that can be provided by your general practice vet. To offer your pet the best possible care your vet may ask your permission to refer your p…
August 20, 2020 • 15 shares
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