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Rachelle Steabler MRCVS

Latest articles by Rachelle Steabler MRCVS

So you're thinking of getting a gecko? How to prepare for and choose a pet reptile
Exotic Pet
So you're thinking of getting a gecko? How to prepare for and choose a pet reptile
Actually, choosing your pet gecko is really the easy part. You have probably already decided which species you want based solely on your own personal preferences and animal experience.  However, because buying a pet…
March 29, 2022 • 25 shares
How to make the most of walks with your dog
How to make the most of walks with your dog
We walk our dogs for a variety of reasons the main ones being exercise, toileting and stimulation, with the latter being probably the most important. The world of the average canine is driven by smell, for dogs, a new sm…
March 20, 2021 • 8 shares
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