Rebecca Martin BVSc CertSAM MRCVS

Latest articles by Rebecca Martin BVSc CertSAM MRCVS

Why do cats need animal proteins?
Why do cats need animal proteins?
Unlike their canine counterparts, who can successfully exist as omnivores (and even survive such an extreme diet as to consume only a vegetarian or vegan diet), cats are strictly a truly carnivorous species. In fact, den…
November 3, 2022 • 33 shares • 2 comments
Is Seresto safe?
Is Seresto safe?
Stateside in America, there has recently been a damning report regarding the use of the well-known, ectoparasite product, the “Seresto” collar. Seresto collars are commonly used within the UK and may well be included in…
February 15, 2022 • 167 shares
New Year Weight Loss for Cats
New Year Weight Loss for Cats
At this time of year, as humans, we often start to think about our New Year’s resolutions. Potentially, some form of a diet, losing a few pounds, and joining a gym are popular ideas, or at least good intentions! But shou…
January 18, 2022 • 28 shares
At-Home Euthanasia for rabbits - is it worth it?
end of life
At-Home Euthanasia for rabbits - is it worth it?
Sadly, but often perhaps inevitably, there may come a time in your rabbit’s life, that you must take the difficult, heart-breaking decision to have them “put to sleep”, or euthanised. Just as with our larger dog and cat…
January 13, 2022 • 60 shares
Are dogs pre-programmed to chew?
Are dogs pre-programmed to chew?
Essentially the simple answer to this question, is yes, dogs are pre-programmed to chew. It’s ingrained as one of their natural behaviour patterns and they are “hard-wired” to perform it. Even with natural instinct and a…
December 28, 2021 • 52 shares
Why you shouldn't smoke near pets
Animal Welfare
Why you shouldn't smoke near pets
It probably comes as no surprise to any of us, to learn that smoking near your pet is not a good idea. Passive smoking will have a variety of detrimental effects on your pet’s health; particularly of course, with regards…
March 27, 2021 • 4 shares • 2 comments
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