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Dr Rebekah McFarling


I graduated from the University of Liverpool in 2022 and subsequently took a year out from clinical practice to fulfil my ambition of grooming and riding for a well renowned international event rider. Having been pony mad from a young age, I went into veterinary medicine with the aim of becoming an equine vet. My key areas of interest are in thoroughbred racing and sport horse medicine, particularly lameness. I am now starting a veterinary role back down in Hampshire where I will gain experience in all aspects of ambulatory equine practice including thoroughbred stud work.

In the future, I wish to work abroad to provide routine and emergency care to help animals in third world countries, where I can make a real difference and learn about other cultures and the importance of animals in their lives.

Latest articles by Dr Rebekah McFarling

Soaked hay for horses and ponies - when is it worth it?
Soaked hay for horses and ponies - when is it worth it?
Many horse owners are opting to soak their hay, but why has this become so popular and is it really necessary? There are many options when it comes to feeding forage that making the right choice can be a bit of a minefie…
February 5, 2024 • 195 shares
My cat is drinking more than usual what should I do?
My cat is drinking more than usual what should I do?
Increased thirst in cats may be nothing to worry about. However, it is also a common sign of some underlying medical conditions so it may be worth checking up with your vet. Whilst many cats are secretive creatures - esp…
May 5, 2023 • 6 shares
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