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Sarah Hart BVSc GP Cert ExAP MRCVS

Latest articles by Sarah Hart BVSc GP Cert ExAP MRCVS

How serious is Wet Tail in hamsters?
Small pet
How serious is Wet Tail in hamsters?
The term ‘wet tail’ can be used to describe a variety of conditions in hamsters, some more serious than others. True Wet Tail is a serious gastrointestinal infection which can be life-threatening. However, the term ‘wet…
November 8, 2020 • 45 shares • 30 comments
What's wrong with my Bearded Dragon?
Exotic Pet
What's wrong with my Bearded Dragon?
The Bearded Dragon is one of the most popular reptile species kept as pets in the UK. Many of the health problems encountered in this species are related to failure to meet their husbandry requirements including feeding,…
October 19, 2020 • 34 shares • 15 comments
What’s wrong with my gecko?
Exotic Pet
What’s wrong with my gecko?
Noticing signs of illness in a lizard can be quite challenging. Their quiet demeanour and often limited frequency of handling mean that subtle problems can be easily missed. Many conditions are slow to develop, making gr…
August 15, 2020 • 59 shares • 191 comments
Does my hamster need the vet?
Small pet
Does my hamster need the vet?
Hamsters may be small, but they are full of character and often become an important member of the family despite their relatively short lifespan. As a naturally nocturnal prey species, they can be secretive when it comes…
August 6, 2020 • 30 shares • 2 comments
Caring for pet chickens in the time of coronavirus
News and Comment
Caring for pet chickens in the time of coronavirus
The current COVID-19 pandemic is fuelling an upturn in the uptake of new hobbies by the UK population, with many of us turning to novel interests as a distraction from the worry of the coronavirus outbreak and as a way o…
April 3, 2020 • 45 shares
First steps for first-time reptile owners
First steps for first-time reptile owners
Owning a reptile is a big responsibility and is very different from owning a bird or a mammalian pet. Reptiles have highly specific care requirements and it is essential to thoroughly research exactly what your chosen sp…
January 17, 2020 • 11 shares
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