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Wiki Vet

Latest articles by Wiki Vet

The structure of the heart: everything you didn't know you wanted to know from Wikivet
The heart is probably the most central structure in the body. Arguably, the brain could be said to be "more important" (death is classified technically as absence of brain activity rather than a motionless heart), but fo…
November 27, 2015 • 1 shares
Oils and fats in pets' diets: everything you need to know (and more besides) from Wikivet
There's one aspect of nutrition that many people – including vets – can find particularly daunting: fats and oils. There have been mixed messages over the years about good fats/ bad fats, essential oils/ unnecessary oils…
November 12, 2015 • 3 shares
Fear of fireworks can affect cats as well as dogs: how do we know, and what can we do to help them?
In the veterinary blogging world, there are key seasonal topics that come up every year: hazards around the home at Christmas, chocolate poisoning at Easter, heat stroke in summer and, of course, the fear of fireworks at…
November 2, 2015 • 24 shares • 2 comments
Wikivet blog: oral hygiene - the key to a healthy mouth in pets
It's well known that regular home care of pets' teeth is the only way to ensure optimal dental health, but it's also well known that most owners find this challenging. Dental experts have identified that there are two me…
October 7, 2015 • 2 comments
How to help stressed-out cats whose owners think they are "behaving badly"
One of the challenges for veterinary surgeons working in the media is that is that they are often asked about one specific patient, with a particular problem. While it's helpful for the individual owner to discuss their…
September 29, 2015
An introduction to Wikivet - a new and exciting veterinary educational resource
In the spirit of spreading helpful, good quality veterinary knowledge, VetHelpDirect will be working with Wikivet to bring you specially selected gems of educational material from the Wikivet website. The plan is to publ…
September 9, 2015 • 1 shares • 2 comments
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