Search results for "why does my cat"

How do I find out how much treatment for my pet is likely to cost without phoning the practice?
Vet Prices
How do I find out how much treatment for my pet is likely to cost without phoning the practice?
With the cost of living on the up, it’s vital to have a rough idea of how much a vet appointment is likely to set you back. This can also be helpful when choosing a practice that aligns with your budget as well as you an…
August 30, 2024 • 64 shares
Why do dogs sometimes not lose their baby teeth?
Common Conditions
Why do dogs sometimes not lose their baby teeth?
Is your puppy approaching teething? If so, it’s important to understand what’s considered normal; and when to seek veterinary advice. Is it normal for my dog to still have puppy teeth? Let’s take a look!…
August 26, 2024 • 26 shares • 1 comments
Why is going green so hard for vet practices?
Why is going green so hard for vet practices?
In my previous article “Can veterinary practices actually be environmentally sustainable?” we discussed two main areas needing improvement for the veterinary profession to become more environmentally sustainable. We touc…
August 20, 2024 • 37 shares
Why are there so few mixed practices nowadays?
Life as vet - what its like
Why are there so few mixed practices nowadays?
As many pet owners, horse riders and livestock farmers know, the face of the British veterinary industry is changing. Along with a rise in the numbers of corporately owned practices, the numbers of ‘mixed’ practices in t…
August 11, 2024 • 52 shares
Why euthanasia of a pet isn’t always a failure.
end of life
Why euthanasia of a pet isn’t always a failure.
The day when you have to say “goodbye” is one that every pet owner dreads. It comes laced with complex emotions of heartbreak, stress - and sometimes even guilt and frustration. This is hard enough when a pet passes away…
August 7, 2024 • 49 shares
Why are there cat friendly clinics but not dog friendly clinics?
Why are there cat friendly clinics but not dog friendly clinics?
Ok, let me start by holding my hands up and acknowledging that there are dog friendly clinics out there! I know some of you will be aware of the new accreditation scheme set up by Dogs Trust and the British Veterinary Be…
August 5, 2024 • 22 shares
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