Search results for "why does my cat"

Why does my guinea pig eat his bedding?
Why does my guinea pig eat his bedding?
Guinea pigs are popular pets in the UK. Originating in South America they have been bred over many years and domesticated as pets in many countries including the UK. They are part of the rodent family and natural herbivo…
July 6, 2023 • 35 shares
Do cats ever need cruciate surgery?
Do cats ever need cruciate surgery?
Just like in dogs, the stifle joint (knee) in cats is made up of 4 ligaments to help movement and prevent excessive rotation of the joint. The 4 ligaments are two collateral ligaments (either side of the joint) and two i…
June 30, 2023 • 18 shares
How is a cat bite abscess treated?
How is a cat bite abscess treated?
Cats’ mouths are disgusting places. Let’s face it, they don’t brush their teeth, they eat all sorts of small furry and feathery things and they lick themselves….all over…. So it’s no wonder that when a cat bites another…
June 28, 2023 • 114 shares
Why do dogs howl?
Why do dogs howl?
Most of us will be familiar with the various vocalisations made by pet dogs. If you’ve had your dog for a while, chances are you’ve worked out some of the reasons behind its bark or its whine. But one of the sounds that…
June 16, 2023 • 13 shares
Cat wormers - is prescription really best?
Cat wormers - is prescription really best?
We're doubtless that you’re all very aware of the arguments for worming your cat regularly. But how much does it matter what you worm with? Our vet nurse blogger Robyn investigates……
June 15, 2023 • 83 shares
Why are grass seeds dangerous for dogs?
Common Conditions
Why are grass seeds dangerous for dogs?
Picture your dog running through long grass enjoying the summer sunshine – your first thought probably isn’t worrying about grass seeds. But should it be? Vets see grass seeds all the time in the warmer months and as a d…
June 13, 2023 • 316 shares
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