Search results for "tick"

The Price of Friendship – The Growth of Puppy Farming During Lockdown
The Price of Friendship – The Growth of Puppy Farming During Lockdown
Many of us have tried something new since lockdown started in late March. Social media has been flooded with images of sourdough starters, oil paintings and fitness videos. Unsurprisingly, many people have decided that t…
August 20, 2020 • 209 shares • 5 comments
What’s wrong with my gecko?
Exotic Pet
What’s wrong with my gecko?
Noticing signs of illness in a lizard can be quite challenging. Their quiet demeanour and often limited frequency of handling mean that subtle problems can be easily missed. Many conditions are slow to develop, making gr…
August 15, 2020 • 59 shares • 191 comments
Going Back to Work? How to Help Your Dog Cope With the Changes in Routine
Going Back to Work? How to Help Your Dog Cope With the Changes in Routine
Well, the start of this decade has certainly been... unique... It feels like we’re slowly getting back to normal (or the ‘new normal’) and many of us are finally returning to work (or preparing to). Depending what your j…
August 8, 2020 • 144 shares
Does my dog have a skin infection?
Common Conditions
Does my dog have a skin infection?
Skin infections can have a wide range of causes. From cuts and scrapes to illness. The veterinary term for this is pyoderma, and in this article we'll look at some of the most common causes and treatments. But first, le…
August 1, 2020 • 38 shares
What's an ulcer? And does my pet have one?
Common Conditions
What's an ulcer? And does my pet have one?
Why do animals get ulcers? A Very General Veterinary Guide 'Ulcer' is an ugly sort of word in my opinion. This is appropriate, because ulcers are painful and unpleasant. But what - exactly - is an ulcer, where are they f…
July 30, 2020 • 44 shares
Save money
5 Ways to Save Money on Vet Bills
The economic news recently hasn’t been good, has it? While so far, government furlough schemes have protected a lot of jobs, there are dire warnings that unemployment or underemployment are set to soar in the near future…
July 28, 2020 • 107 shares • 2 comments
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