Search results for "why does my cat"

Why Does my Cat Attack? A guide to feline aggression
Why Does my Cat Attack? A guide to feline aggression
Hissing, biting, pouncing, growling… aggression in cats can be difficult to witness, and to manage. Aggression is not a character trait, but an expression of behaviour in challenging circumstances – for instance, when yo…
March 11, 2022 • 59 shares • 3 comments
Why does my cat run away from me?
Why does my cat run away from me?
As well as being renowned predators, cats are also a prey species. So it’s hardly surprising that many cats will run away from strangers, especially outside, since they feel threatened. Imagine how large and daunting we…
January 20, 2022 • 83 shares • 1 comments
Why does my cat pee on my bed?
Why does my cat pee on my bed?
It can be very frustrating and unpleasant when your cat starts urinating in places that they shouldn’t do – particularly if it’s on your bed! This article explores some of the possible causes of this and what can be done…
March 15, 2021 • 236 shares • 1 comments
Why does my cat have bladder trouble?
Why does my cat have bladder trouble?
Have you just found your cat urinating on your new soft furnishings or in the bathroom again? Are you questioning your cat’s sanity? Are you getting fed up of worrying about whether your cat is going to urinate somewhere…
December 23, 2020 • 249 shares
Why does my cat have “neck lesions”?
Why does my cat have “neck lesions”?
‘Neck lesions’, more properly feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORL), are a common dental issue in cats. They are thought to affect more than 70% of cats over the age of 5. In the early stages, these lesions may…
November 15, 2020 • 19 shares
Why does my cat bite me unprovoked?
Why does my cat bite me unprovoked?
Ouch! Cat bites can be very unpleasant and always best avoided. As natural skilled predators, cats have sharp teeth and a firm bite. A common question from pet owners is why does their cat bite them unprovoked… and how t…
July 9, 2020 • 3196 shares • 223 comments
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