Archive: Sep 2020

What's an ulcer? And does my pet have one?
Common Conditions
What's an ulcer? And does my pet have one?
Why do animals get ulcers? A Very General Veterinary Guide 'Ulcer' is an ugly sort of word in my opinion. This is appropriate, because ulcers are painful and unpleasant. But what - exactly - is an ulcer, where are they f…
July 30, 2020 • 44 shares
Why is my cat not using the litter tray?
Why is my cat not using the litter tray?
There are many reasons why your cat may toilet in a place other than the litter tray. If it’s just a one off, consider if your cat could’ve been trapped in a room, unable to access the litter tray. If it’s a recurring si…
July 29, 2020 • 580 shares • 12 comments
Save money
5 Ways to Save Money on Vet Bills
The economic news recently hasn’t been good, has it? While so far, government furlough schemes have protected a lot of jobs, there are dire warnings that unemployment or underemployment are set to soar in the near future…
July 28, 2020 • 107 shares • 2 comments
Yeast and allergies - what's the link in dogs?
Common Conditions
Yeast and allergies - what's the link in dogs?
Itchy skin is a very common problem, especially in dogs. Unfortunately it can be a very frustrating problem too. It’s not nice to see your dog uncomfortable and scratching, and sadly there’s not always a ‘quick fix’ trea…
July 28, 2020 • 45 shares • 1 comments
Why do vets put animals on drips?
Why did the vet prescribe…
Why do vets put animals on drips?
Drips, it has to be said, can seem scary. They're clear bags full of liquid. There are different mixtures of liquid for different occasions, as advertised on the side of the bag. The liquid runs through a tube, down a ne…
July 23, 2020 • 54 shares
Does my dog have a
Common Conditions
Does my dog have a "Hot Spot"?
Common Conditions: Hot Spots Have you suddenly noticed your pet scratching or licking more than usual? Can you see a red, wet patch of skin? Your pet may be experiencing a common skin complaint known as a hot spot. In th…
July 22, 2020 • 216 shares
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