Archive: Sep 2020

Are cooked raisins poisonous to dogs?
Poisons and Hazards
Are cooked raisins poisonous to dogs?
Grapes, raisins, currants and sultanas can all have serious consequences if eaten by dogs, whether cooked or not. But this answer is not as straightforward as it seems – or this would be a very short blog post! Why exact…
October 31, 2020 • 176 shares • 5 comments
Help, my cat’s been hit by a car - what happens next?
Life and Death
Help, my cat’s been hit by a car - what happens next?
Unfortunately, many cats are injured during road traffic collisions every year. Their innate desire to roam and inability to understand the dangers posed to them when crossing roads can lead to life-threatening injuries.
October 30, 2020 • 337 shares • 3 comments
Can I get a prescription for my pet's medicine?
Save money
Can I get a prescription for my pet's medicine?
Vets have been one stop shops in the UK for many years. Your pet is examined and your medication dispensed immediately. In acute illness or emergency situations this is ideal as you can start treatment immediately. When…
October 29, 2020 • 51 shares • 34 comments
Are acorns poisonous to dogs?
Poisons and Hazards
Are acorns poisonous to dogs?
Acorns, the nuts of the oak tree, begin to fall in the autumn months. They can be a temptation for your dog, who may be sniffing around outside. Acorns can cover vast amounts of ground space during autumn and winter, pro…
October 28, 2020 • 392 shares
Are conkers toxic for dogs?
Are conkers toxic for dogs?
Conkers are the seeds of the horse chestnut tree. This is a common tree in parks, streets and gardens in the UK the National Forest Inventory recorded 470,000 horse chestnuts in 2018.  The conkers drop to the ground…
October 27, 2020 • 121 shares • 1 comments
Does poor chicken welfare lead to poor quality meat?
Farm animal
Does poor chicken welfare lead to poor quality meat?
By Dr Marc Cooper, Head of Farm Animals RSPCA  The issue of where our meat comes from and how the animal was raised has become increasingly important to consumers in recent years, and cheaper meat can often mean tha…
October 26, 2020 • 351 shares • 9 comments
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