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Archive: Sep 2020

Should I be avoiding grain-free food for my dog?
Should I be avoiding grain-free food for my dog?
With the rise of grain-free dog foods, veterinarians started to notice a worrying trend; dogs eating these diets were found to be suffering from a rare heart condition. This illness, called Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM),…
May 17, 2021 • 326 shares • 9 comments
Do dogs get thyroid problems and what are the signs?
Do dogs get thyroid problems and what are the signs?
If you’re the owner of an elderly cat, you’ve probably heard of hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid gland. But for all you dog owners out there, you may be wondering if your canine companion can get thyroid problem…
May 15, 2021
What is EGUS and how are ulcers treated in horses?
What is EGUS and how are ulcers treated in horses?
If you haven’t heard of EGUS before, it stands for Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome. This is what other horse owners refer to, when they say that their horse has ulcers. It can be pretty nasty and very uncomfortable f…
May 15, 2021
Why is my puppy shaking?
Why is my puppy shaking?
Getting a puppy is a very exciting time, however, it's not without its challenges. You probably expect teething problems like chewing or accidents in the house, but concerns about your puppy's health might take you by su…
May 14, 2021 • 20 shares • 1 comments
Compulsory Microchipping for Cats part of Government Action Plan for Animal Welfare
News and Comment
Compulsory Microchipping for Cats part of Government Action Plan for Animal Welfare
The UK Government has introduced a wide-ranging Action Plan for Animal Welfare. For pet owners, this includes making microchips for cats a legal requirement. So, what does this mean for you? It is estimated that around 2…
May 13, 2021 • 35 shares
My dog’s poo is black, what’s wrong?
My dog’s poo is black, what’s wrong?
Imagine this, waking up one morning and letting your dog in the garden to do their business, when suddenly you notice a big pile of black poo! Is this serious? What has caused this? What should I do? As gross as it may…
May 13, 2021 • 697 shares • 97 comments
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