Archive: Sep 2020

What is Radioiodine Therapy in Cats, and is it Safe?
What is Radioiodine Therapy in Cats, and is it Safe?
Radioiodine therapy (or radioactive iodine therapy) is a fantastic treatment option for cats with hyperthyroidism. Still, with all treatments, there are pros and cons. If your vet has mentioned this therapy to you for th…
September 30, 2022 • 43 shares
Do hedgehogs make good pets? A Vet's Opinion.
Exotic Pet
Do hedgehogs make good pets? A Vet's Opinion.
Hedgehogs are amazing wild animals. They are small mammals, with an amazing sense of smell, covered in spines and able to curl their heads and legs completely inside their body, becoming a protective ball should they fee…
September 29, 2022 • 67 shares • 6 comments
Will pet insurance premiums rise with inflation?
Pet Insurance
Will pet insurance premiums rise with inflation?
We all dread the thought of our precious pets becoming ill or getting injured, and worrying about how to pay for expensive veterinary bills only adds to this distress. Many people very sensibly take out pet insurance to…
September 29, 2022 • 7 shares • 33 comments
What unique vitamins do cats need in their food?
What unique vitamins do cats need in their food?
Cats even to this day remain strict obligate carnivores, meaning that they rely on vitamins and nutrients found solely in animal and meat products. This differs from their canine counterpart, as dogs are omnivorous mamma…
September 28, 2022 • 72 shares • 1 comments
How to choose the best pet toothpaste
Pet Products
How to choose the best pet toothpaste
Firstly, congratulations on being a great pet parent. You’ve decided your pets’ dental health is important and you’re right! Starting your pet on a regular dental hygiene routine and getting them started young so they ar…
September 27, 2022 • 8 shares • 2 comments
Why does my cat not like being picked up?
Why does my cat not like being picked up?
All cats are individuals, coming in different shapes, sizes, colours and personalities. Some cats are super snuggly, climbing onto your lap at every opportunity and constantly twining around your legs looking for affecti…
September 27, 2022 • 252 shares • 4 comments
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