Archive: Sep 2020

How to plan a pet funeral
end of life
How to plan a pet funeral
Losing a pet is like losing a family member and many people desire the best send-off possible for their furry friend and rightly so. There are many different peaceful euthanasia options which can be offered to you if you…
October 18, 2022 • 5 shares
Why does my cat pee in front of the window?
Why does my cat pee in front of the window?
Cats are one of the most popular pets in the UK. And one of the biggest problems they now face is popularity! They’re easy right? They don’t need walking, training, and are already house trained. A consequence of this th…
October 18, 2022 • 53 shares
What breed of rabbit is the healthiest?
New Pet
What breed of rabbit is the healthiest?
There are approximately one million rabbits kept as pets in the UK and this number is increasing. Through working in a busy small animal practice, we regularly see rabbits every day for various health issues. Some geneti…
October 17, 2022 • 21 shares
Why does my horse keep yawning?
Why does my horse keep yawning?
Yawning, it’s something we all do regularly, sometimes more often than others. But what about our horses? Although horses yawn, it is not something they tend to do as frequently as humans. What does it mean when horses y…
October 16, 2022 • 92 shares
Do all pet insurers raise prices by the same amount each year?
Pet Insurance
Do all pet insurers raise prices by the same amount each year?
Pet insurance can really be a lifesaver if you're caught off-guard and your beloved furry friend suffers an accident or illness. It may seem controversial, but veterinary practices, just like all private businesses, must…
October 15, 2022 • 3 shares
5 ways to stop your dog humping
5 ways to stop your dog humping
If your dog occasionally displays humping or mounting behaviour it may seem quite amusing. However, if your dog regularly humps things including furniture, toys, other dogs and even people it can be annoying, frustrating…
October 15, 2022 • 434 shares
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