Claire Turner


Claire grew up in Cheshire before moving to London to study at the Royal Veterinary College. On graduating in 2010, Claire spent time at a charity clinic in South Africa before returning to the UK to take up a position in a mixed practice in the Cotswolds. After enjoying over ten years seeing all manner of creatures great and small, Claire moved to a small animal practice in Gloucestershire and now splits her days between running a fully kitted out mobile consulting van and consulting or operating in the clinic. Claire lives with her husband, young daughter and rescue cat, Nigel, and in her spare time enjoys photography, baking and playing hockey.

Latest articles by Claire Turner

Are setters stupid dogs that don’t make great pets?
Are setters stupid dogs that don’t make great pets?
Searching for the perfect dog breed for your family can be tricky – big or small? Short hair or long hair? Lazy or active? Clever or stupid…..? Well, maybe not the last one, but some dog breeds have a bit of a reputation…
January 3, 2024 • 28 shares
Unknown infection in a Labrador: a case story
Case study
Unknown infection in a Labrador: a case story
Bert was a well loved, working labrador, the fifth generation to live at Mistletoe Farm with the Dell family. He would regularly help Mr Dell on the shoots, picking up and retrieving just like he was bred to do. But the…
November 8, 2023 • 135 shares
Are Bulldogs dangerous as pets?
Are Bulldogs dangerous as pets?
There are now over 350 recognised dog breeds worldwide, according to the FCI (the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, or World Canine Organisation). But in the UK, only 4 are considered so dangerous, they are listed a…
October 11, 2023 • 62 shares • 1 comments
Why does my cat eat my hair?
Why does my cat eat my hair?
Cats are not typically known for eating odd things – dogs, yes; cats, not so much. But some cats have a real habit for eating human hair. This may seem like a very odd, random thing for them to do but there are some logi…
October 7, 2023 • 77 shares • 3 comments
Neospora in dogs – how serious is it?
Neospora in dogs – how serious is it?
Many of us are unlikely to have heard of Neospora but it is something that all dog owners should be aware of. It can cause devastating effects across a wide range of species whilst typically remaining very much under the…
September 26, 2023 • 194 shares
Why did the vet prescribe metronidazole?
Why did the vet prescribe metronidazole?
As vets, we have access to hundreds of medications to help with everything from sore ears to coughs, itchy skin to painful knees. One of the most common classes of drug that we use are antibiotics. Different conditions w…
August 10, 2023 • 18 shares
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