Dawn Prime


Latest articles by Dawn Prime

Spot on wormers for cats - all you need to know
Spot on wormers for cats - all you need to know
Our cats might have worms without you even knowing about it. Roundworm and tapeworm are the two main types of intestinal worm affecting UK cat, the symptoms of which are not always easy to spot. Intestinal worms can easi…
May 26, 2024 • 70 shares
RAMA or SQP- What is the difference?
RAMA or SQP- What is the difference?
A Registered Animal Medicines Advisor (RAMA) is the name given to those people described as SQPs (Suitably Qualified Persons) by the Veterinary Medicines Regulations. Registered Animal Medicines Advisors have an importan…
May 12, 2024 • 32 shares
SQPs have legal responsibilities too! Why VPS medicines are not just given out
SQPs have legal responsibilities too! Why VPS medicines are not just given out
“What is an SQP?” is a question I get asked very often, and I explain that I am an animal health advisor and that there are certain medications that I can prescribe and dispense for animals. But of course, there’s a lot…
April 13, 2024 • 8 shares
How to give flea treatment to dogs
How to give flea treatment to dogs
There are so many different flea products on the veterinary market these days, it can be hard to know which to choose for your dog and why. However, despite so many options, there is often at least one product that will…
February 12, 2024 • 7 shares
Top Christmas Presents for Rabbits in 2023
Top Christmas Presents for Rabbits in 2023
The festive period is a wonderful time to give our rabbits extra love. Having brought us so much joy throughout the year, those extra little treats seem well deserved for our furry friends.All rabbits have their own pers…
December 17, 2023 • 81 shares
Worming for Hunting Cats
Worming for Hunting Cats
Cats are much loved members of the family and so their health and well-being are always at the forefront of our mind. Worms are a common health issue in our cats and as RAMAs, we know the importance of giving routine tre…
October 1, 2023 • 19 shares
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