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Dawn Prime


Latest articles by Dawn Prime

Do I need to worry about Whipworm in my Dog?
Do I need to worry about Whipworm in my Dog?
Did you know that there is a worm known as the whipworm which can affect dogs in England? Whipworms are parasites which live in the large intestines of the dog. The canine whipworm (Trichuris vulpis) is becoming increasi…
September 25, 2021 • 35 shares
Do I need to worry about hookworm in my dog?
Do I need to worry about hookworm in my dog?
We often hear about tapeworms and roundworms in our dogs, but did you know that there are many different types of worms under the umbrella of the “roundworm”? A common roundworm which is seen in dogs is the hookworm. The…
August 25, 2021 • 22 shares
Worm Egg Counts in horses - are they worth it?
Worm Egg Counts in horses - are they worth it?
None of us want our horses to be carrying a heavy worm burden. Unfortunately, the heavy use of wormers over the years has led to a significant amount of worm resistance within the equine population. This means that some…
August 8, 2021 • 70 shares • 1 comments
Blowfly Strike in Sheep
Farm animal
Blowfly Strike in Sheep
Blowflies are one of the most common and widespread ectoparasite which affect sheep in England, with an estimated that 80% of flocks having at least one or more cases of Blowfly Strike every year. …
July 13, 2021 • 34 shares
How do I know if my puppy has fleas?
How do I know if my puppy has fleas?
Fleas are wingless parasites that can make any pet distressed. They are small, fast, they are exceptional jumpers, and always keen to make any animal itchy. Fleas are common (it is likely that any cat or dog will come ac…
April 19, 2021 • 192 shares • 1 comments
Does my cat have fleas and how do I get rid of them?
Does my cat have fleas and how do I get rid of them?
The flea population increases during the warm summer months; however, fleas have now become a year-round problem, particularly when the central heating is turned on. Fleas love a warm and humid home as this creates a per…
April 12, 2021 • 47 shares
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