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Dr Meg Barnes


Meg is a small animal veterinarian in the United Kingdom, hailing from Australia. When not vetting she likes hiking, painting and consuming books, and will always seek out the dog in a crowded room.

Latest articles by Dr Meg Barnes

How healthy are Persian cats?
How healthy are Persian cats?
It is an undisputed fact that Persian cats are considered a desirable pet. They continue to be an in-demand breed with their squishy face and fluffy coat. However, if you’re here and thinking about getting a Persian cat,…
April 6, 2023 • 11 shares • 12 comments
Do corn creams really work in Greyhounds?
Pet Products
Do corn creams really work in Greyhounds?
We aren’t talking about corn kernels here, or corn on the cobs, or even Quorn, the meat substitute that incites many debates about how much it resembles its forebear. No, we are talking about the corns that form on the p…
March 11, 2023 • 31 shares
Can a dog and cat breed?
Can a dog and cat breed?
If you have the privilege of owning both a dog and a cat, you may be wondering if there is a risk of them breeding together. But what would be the result? Is this even possible?…
February 14, 2023 • 24 shares • 8 comments
All about feline dysautonomia
All about feline dysautonomia
Feline Dysautonomia, otherwise known as ‘Key-Gaskell Syndrome,’ is a rare condition of the autonomic nervous system. To understand how the disease affects cats, it is helpful to have an idea of what the autonomic nervous…
February 6, 2023 • 310 shares
Caring for old cats in winter
Caring for old cats in winter
Winter…whether we love it or hate it, we can all admit that living through it requires a bit of extra care and attention. Partaking in our ordinary daily routines whilst trying to stay warm and dry, adapting to the short…
January 20, 2023 • 9 shares
Why does my dog feel cold?
Cold Weather
Why does my dog feel cold?
There’s a common misconception that, because dogs usually have fur, they don’t feel the cold. So why is it that, when you feel your dog’s nose, ears, or paws, they are sometimes cold to touch? Are they cold, or is someth…
December 29, 2022 • 307 shares • 1 comments
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