Emma Norris

Latest articles by Emma Norris

How to Stop My Dog’s Tail Banging into Things
How to Stop My Dog’s Tail Banging into Things
We all know at least one dog who could wag their tail professionally, constantly excited and full of energy. If a dog brings their wagging tail into the home environment however, this can lead to subsequent issues such a…
May 15, 2022 • 21 shares
How Can I Remember My Dog After They’re Gone?
How Can I Remember My Dog After They’re Gone?
Sadly, owning a pet must inevitably involve experiencing loss in some capacity. Losing a loved companion is a difficult and often unpredictable process; even for owners who know and are able to try to prepare themselves…
April 20, 2022 • 24 shares
The Genetics of Rage: Are Some Cat Colours More Aggressive?
The Genetics of Rage: Are Some Cat Colours More Aggressive?
It is not breaking news that domestic cats come with a range of personalities. Whilst some cats are very chilled-out and wouldn’t hurt a fly, others will put the fear of God in you if you upset them in any way. Is there…
April 11, 2022 • 93 shares
How to Remove a Tick from your Dog:
Preventative Health
How to Remove a Tick from your Dog:
Ticks are nasty little things. And depending on whereabouts in the UK you are from, they can be very prevalent in some areas. For some dog owners, every walk may result in one of these unfortunate visitors requiring remo…
March 22, 2022 • 56 shares
Why is My Cat Crying?
Why is My Cat Crying?
Some cats are super vocal and some never make a peep. Further to that, there are a number of different cries and meows that your cat could make, and at different times or occasions. If your cat is crying there could be a…
March 6, 2022 • 58 shares
Top Cat Beds for Cold Kitties this Winter:
Top Cat Beds for Cold Kitties this Winter:
We all know that cats love a good sleep, there is a reason after all why ‘catnap’ is a common term! Some beds will provide a deeper and more satisfying slumber to our cat pals than others though. There are some tips and…
February 17, 2022 • 65 shares
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