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Heather Nicholls BVM&S CertAVP (EM) MRCVS

Latest articles by Heather Nicholls BVM&S CertAVP (EM) MRCVS

What does it mean that a vets’ is a Training Practice?
Choosing a vet
What does it mean that a vets’ is a Training Practice?
You may have seen your veterinary practice describe themselves as a ‘Training Practice’ and be wondering what this means. Who are they training? What impact will it have on my pet’s care? How does training work? Let’s lo…
March 3, 2022 • 21 shares
Why is my cat wheezing?
Why is my cat wheezing?
Most cat owners will be familiar with the hacking sound that their cat will make before depositing a furball on the living room carpet! However sometimes cats make similar sounds for other reasons, for example if they ar…
August 18, 2020 • 350 shares • 1 comments
All You Need to Know About Joint Supplements
Ask a vet
All You Need to Know About Joint Supplements
You may have heard about joint supplements and be curious about whether they might be of benefit to your pet. Joint supplements are products designed to maintain normal joint health, or to aid in the treatment of joint d…
July 18, 2020 • 24 shares
Why is my dog being sick?
Common Conditions
Why is my dog being sick?
In the past, the wild ancestors of our pet dogs had to be opportunistic when it came to food in order to give themselves as much nutrition as possible. It wasn't certain when the next meal would be along! Perhaps this he…
July 16, 2020 • 554 shares • 1 comments
My vet said my dog has a heart murmur – should I be worried?
Common Conditions
My vet said my dog has a heart murmur – should I be worried?
A heart murmur is a noise related to abnormal blood flow in or out of the chambers of the heart. This is usually only audible with a stethoscope and can be heard in addition to, or instead of, the normal heart beat sound…
July 8, 2020 • 58 shares • 20 comments
My rabbit has toothache – what can I do?
Common Conditions
My rabbit has toothache – what can I do?
Rabbits have impressive and fairly unique dentition within the animal kingdom. However, problems with their teeth can result in an array of health issues as well as cause your bunny significant discomfort. A lot of us kn…
July 2, 2020 • 25 shares
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