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Joanna Woodnutt BVM BVS MRCVS

Latest articles by Joanna Woodnutt BVM BVS MRCVS

Should I Clip my Dog’s Fur in Hot Weather?
Poisons and Hazards
Should I Clip my Dog’s Fur in Hot Weather?
There are many debates on social media about whether or not to clip your dog’s fur in order to help them stay cool in hot weather. There’s even a picture of a dog taken with a thermal imaging camera that is used by both…
April 11, 2021 • 945 shares • 2 comments
Why Does my Dog Lick His Paws?
Why Does my Dog Lick His Paws?
Licking of the paws is one of the most common symptoms that we vets see. Sometimes, it’s not even noticed as being abnormal by pet owners. Only once the vet asks that the problem is revealed. So, how much is a normal amo…
November 10, 2020 • 430 shares • 3 comments
Who can you trust to give you good pet advice?
Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine
Who can you trust to give you good pet advice?
As a pet owner, it’s not surprising that sometimes you have questions. Even people who have had pets their whole lives can need help with something, and it’s natural to need to ask advice. The problem comes when you’re d…
September 7, 2020 • 35 shares • 2 comments
Should My Dog Wear a Seatbelt?
Ask a vet
Should My Dog Wear a Seatbelt?
With more and more rules being brought in to make our roads safer, it might surprise you that there is no law about dogs wearing seatbelts… yet!…
August 27, 2020 • 195 shares • 1 comments
Do dogs think we are dogs? What we know about the Human-Dog bond
Do dogs think we are dogs? What we know about the Human-Dog bond
Humans and dogs have coexisted for thousands of years. In fact, some scientists believe that the co-evolution of humans and dogs is one of the things that allowed early humans to survive and thrive to produce the humans…
August 25, 2020 • 291 shares • 6 comments
10 ways to care for your dog on a budget
Save money
10 ways to care for your dog on a budget
Owning a dog is expensive. In fact, estimates suggest that dogs will cost their owners £10000-18000 over the course of their life. If COVID has put you in a bit of a bind financially. You might be wondering how you can c…
August 22, 2020 • 84 shares
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