Laura Waring


Latest articles by Laura Waring

How much space does a hamster actually need?
New Pet
How much space does a hamster actually need?
Hamsters are wonderful “pocket pets” and remain a firm favourite among British pet owners. They have a reputation for being an inexpensive child’s pet, but hamsters are interesting and active animals whose needs deserve…
October 23, 2022 • 100 shares • 7 comments
5 things you need to know about cancer in rats
5 things you need to know about cancer in rats
Like any animal, rats can, sadly, suffer from cancerous growths. So what do you need to know about this potentially worrying condition?…
October 7, 2022 • 23 shares • 2 comments
Why does my dog growl at me?
Why does my dog growl at me?
Dogs use a variety of sounds to communicate with us. Understanding these sounds can help us to achieve a more harmonious relationship but also to ensure we stay safe. Growling is one of the vocalisations which dogs use t…
June 2, 2022 • 47 shares
Can I catch diseases from a pet bird?
Can I catch diseases from a pet bird?
Pet birds are relatively popular in the UK. A variety of species are kept as companions; from songbirds which are part of the Passeriformes order such as canaries and finches; to the Psittaciformes order which encompasse…
February 26, 2022 • 73 shares
7 Tips to get a better deal on dog insurance
7 Tips to get a better deal on dog insurance
Pets quickly become part of your family. They demand love, care and affection, helping us to form strong relationships with them quickly. However, pets will also sometimes become ill and uncomfortable through no fault of…
January 9, 2022 • 19 shares
Can I catch diseases from my pet mice?
Exotic Pet
Can I catch diseases from my pet mice?
Mice, which belong to the rodent family, are lively and fun pets. Mice are easy to care for, are interesting to watch and easily tamed with a little patience. It’s no surprise then that mice are popular pets, especially…
October 10, 2021 • 52 shares • 1 comments
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