Lucy Carter


I graduated from the University of Liverpool in July 2020 and have been working in small animal practice since then, in both first opinion and referral settings. I have a special interest in anaesthesia and pain management. Outside of the vet world I am kept occupied by my Patterdale Terrier, Flossie, and enjoy CrossFit.

Latest articles by Lucy Carter

Taking on an older dog – 6 dos and don’ts
Taking on an older dog – 6 dos and don’ts
Adopting a dog can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not all dogs end up in rehoming centres due to behavioural issues - more often it's due to a change in circumstances, meaning most dogs will go on to become wonde…
June 14, 2023 • 331 shares
A case of increased thirst – Molly’ story
Case study
A case of increased thirst – Molly’ story
Molly is a 9-year-old Miniature Poodle, who up until now has led a happy, healthy and fairly uneventful life. She is up to date with her vaccinations and has regular preventative parasite treatment. Recently her owners,…
May 6, 2023 • 14 shares
How to manage dementia in older dogs
Common Conditions
How to manage dementia in older dogs
Dementia, or Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDDS) is a condition that can develop in dogs as they age. Their memory, learning and awareness may be affected. While we still don’t fully understand why it happens or…
April 15, 2023 • 47 shares
How safe is an anaesthetic in cats?
How safe is an anaesthetic in cats?
General anaesthesia is defined as a state of controlled unconsciousness using a combination of drugs. It is routinely required in veterinary practice for many things, not only for surgery but also dental procedures and i…
March 17, 2023 • 30 shares
How to get accepted by a cat rehoming centre
How to get accepted by a cat rehoming centre
With more animals than ever in rescue centres up and down the country, now is as good a time as ever to rehome a cat. It is in the best interest of both you and your potential new pet that rehoming centres often have qui…
March 11, 2023 • 22 shares
Old age is NOT a disease for dogs
Old age is NOT a disease for dogs
Vets will frequently hear the words “he’s just getting old” when describing changes that they’ve noticed in their ageing pets. While that may be true to some extent, these changes could well be due to underlying disease…
February 10, 2023 • 85 shares
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