Megan Vaughan


I’m a small animal vet originally from South Wales working in West Sussex since graduating in 2021. My family pets all live in Wales and currently consist of one cheeky rescue dog and two cats. I have interests in internal medicine as well as canine and feline behaviour, which I’m particularly keen to develop. My favourite things about my job are working in an amazing team of very kind, funny people and also forming strong bonds with owners and their pets.
In my spare time I enjoy pole fitness, discovering new music, spending time with friends and going to the gym. I love to read and can often be found curled up with a good book with a candle lit, it’s all about self care!

Latest articles by Megan Vaughan

What does it mean if my dog has a raised SDMA blood result?
What does it mean if my dog has a raised SDMA blood result?
Blood testing is a huge part of veterinary medicine and can be crucial in reaching many diagnoses. Not only that, it can be used as a monitoring tool as well as helping to tailor treatment to that specific animal. If you…
June 9, 2024 • 6 shares
All about contextual care, the new ‘big thing’ in veterinary medicine
Life as vet - what its like
All about contextual care, the new ‘big thing’ in veterinary medicine
You may have heard the term ‘contextual care’ being used in discussions of veterinary medicine or even by a vet themselves. With the influx of media coverage, including television programmes, veterinary influencers and n…
June 6, 2024 • 111 shares
Where’s the best place to put a cat’s food bowl?
Where’s the best place to put a cat’s food bowl?
If you own a cat you probably already know that they can be very sensitive creatures with plenty of quirks. They might have a preferred sleeping space, food type or even a favourite human they choose to spend more time w…
April 19, 2024 • 185 shares
Why do cats cry out when eating?
Why do cats cry out when eating?
Cats can be characterful and vocal creatures, often alerting their owners when they are hungry, wanting to go outside or even when they want a door opened for them. Cats use vocalisation as a way of communicating to each…
March 25, 2024 • 23 shares
Helicobacter stomach ulcers in dogs - do I need to be worried?
Helicobacter stomach ulcers in dogs - do I need to be worried?
There are multiple different causes of vomiting in dogs, from ingesting foreign objects to infections to motion sickness. In this blog we’ll take a look at one potential cause of chronic vomiting, Helicobacter. As you’ll…
March 5, 2024 • 77 shares
Why are my cat’s pupils different sizes?
Why are my cat’s pupils different sizes?
Lots of us spend plenty of time admiring our pets, so it can be alarming if you suddenly notice something about them has changed. ‘Anisocoria’ is a condition where the pupils appear as different sizes and is a symptom ra…
January 20, 2024 • 68 shares
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