Dr Pete Wedderburn BVM&S CertVR MRCVSDr

Latest articles by Dr Pete Wedderburn BVM&S CertVR MRCVSDr

Raw food can be good for some pets, but owners should be aware of potential health issues
Raw food can be good for some pets, but owners should be aware of potential health issues
The feeding of raw meat to pets appeals to many people: there seems to be something pure and natural about it that makes intuitive sense. If you imagine dogs and cats in their natural state, they’d obviously eat raw meat…
November 9, 2018 • 687 shares • 5 comments
How clever is your dog? A literature review sums up the evidence and if dogs were clever enough to understand, they wouldn't be happy
How clever is your dog? A literature review sums up the evidence and if dogs were clever enough to understand, they wouldn't be happy
A literature review carried out by researchers at the University of Exeter has reached a conclusion that may upset millions of pet owners: the combination of many different studies of animal intelligence suggest that dog…
October 3, 2018 • 211 shares
A no-deal Brexit will increase hassle and costs to vets, pets, farm animals and agricultural trade in the UK
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A no-deal Brexit will increase hassle and costs to vets, pets, farm animals and agricultural trade in the UK
As the days, weeks and months count down to Brexit day, every sector of British life must surely have its own concerns. The veterinary sector, largely involving pets and farm animals, is no different. As the UK governmen…
September 28, 2018 • 368 shares • 1 comments
Livestock deaths during Hurricane Florence: preventable suffering of innocents?
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Livestock deaths during Hurricane Florence: preventable suffering of innocents?
Hurricane Florence storm has caused devastation in the USA, killing over thirty people, most of them in North Carolina. Hundreds of thousands of homes have been stuck without power. There have also been devastating impac…
September 20, 2018 • 695 shares
Pet insurance should be more affordable. Here's why it's so expensive in 2018.
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Pet insurance should be more affordable. Here's why it's so expensive in 2018.
Pet insurance has made a huge difference to many animals’ lives. The principle is simple: you pay a relatively small monthly sum to the insurance company, and if your pet is unfortunate enough to fall seriously ill or ha…
September 10, 2018 • 511 shares • 25 comments
A battle has been won against puppy farms. Now what about the war?
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A battle has been won against puppy farms. Now what about the war?
The government is going to ban third party sales of puppies and kittens in England A British vet, Marc Abraham, has been campaigning against puppy farms for over a decade. This week, he and fellow-campaigners gained a hu…
August 22, 2018 • 733 shares • 2 comments
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