Dr Pete Wedderburn BVM&S CertVR MRCVSDr

Latest articles by Dr Pete Wedderburn BVM&S CertVR MRCVSDr

News and Comment
BBC's Trust Me I'm A Vet - informative educational television let down by poor scientific technique
The first series of Trust Me I'm A Vet on BBC2 was anticipated with hopeful curiosity by vets and pet owners. With the BBC's reputation for good quality science, and the direct input of vets in practice working closely t…
May 22, 2017 • 727 shares • 6 comments
A spinal injury after a road accident in a cat: is recovery from paralysis possible?
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A spinal injury after a road accident in a cat: is recovery from paralysis possible?
She was brought in to see me at once: after examining her carefully, I explained to her owners that she had suffered a serious spinal injury.
May 12, 2017 • 94 shares • 171 comments
Life as vet - what its like
General anaesthesia: an essential part of a vet's tool kit
A general anaesthetic is one of the key tools of a veterinary surgeon. So many anaesthetics are carried out in a typical vet clinic that it is easy to take the procedure for granted.
March 8, 2017 • 56 shares
News and Comment
Pets can be better than pills for some elderly people
Pal is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who is a good example of a dog who is a key member of his household. Pal is six years old, and he is the sole companion of Miss O’Connell, a lady living alone in the suburbs of a bi…
January 24, 2017 • 6 shares
Why does the MP's report on animal welfare want to muzzle the RSPCA?
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Why does the MP's report on animal welfare want to muzzle the RSPCA?
Last month's EFRA Select Committee Report on Companion Animal Welfare came up with some excellent recommendations to improve the welfare of pets in the UK. More controversially, the report also recommended that prosecuti…
December 13, 2016 • 58 shares • 18 comments
Celebrities support calls for funding to help local authorities deal with dog breeding abuses
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Celebrities support calls for funding to help local authorities deal with dog breeding abuses
Puppy farming continues to be a serious issue, and the more publicity that's given to the topic, the better. So it was refreshing to see a group of celebrities offering their support to this important subject.
December 9, 2016 • 6 shares • 3 comments
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