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Rachel Hinks


Latest articles by Rachel Hinks

Is more meat always better in a dog food?
Is more meat always better in a dog food?
Many brands, flavours and types of dog food are now available to buy online and in stores. Many may claim to be superior quality or contain more meat, but does this actually mean any health benefits to your dog? Or is it…
August 28, 2024 • 38 shares
Are Staffordshire bull terriers dangerous pets?
Are Staffordshire bull terriers dangerous pets?
Considering whether to rehome a dog or to purchase one is a tricky thing, even before deciding on what breed is suitable for your lifestyle and home environment. There are many breeds of dog that are available to buy as…
May 23, 2024 • 111 shares
Can I use any referral vet, or do I have to follow my insurer's advice?
Pet Insurance
Can I use any referral vet, or do I have to follow my insurer's advice?
Once your vet has suggested a referral for your pet, or maybe you have requested to be referred to a specialist, the process ahead can be a little daunting but with the help of good communication it is easy to get throug…
August 7, 2023 • 16 shares
What to expect when your dog goes in to be spayed
What to expect when your dog goes in to be spayed
Spaying of female dogs (bitches) is a commonly performed procedure in small animal practices. When booking in for the surgery you may be asked for information on any previous seasons or litters or any other concerns you…
July 22, 2023 • 194 shares
Do border collies make good pets?
Do border collies make good pets?
You’ve decided that it’s the right time to get a new dog, so now it’s the time to consider which is the correct breed for the family. How much time do you have to walk them daily? How much time for training a new puppy?…
July 17, 2023 • 101 shares
Why is my dog so frightened?
Why is my dog so frightened?
Dogs can be frightened for a number of reasons. It is important as an owner to pick up on the signs that your pet isn’t happy in a situation so you can then learn how to help them. Over the past few years, with the chang…
July 15, 2023 • 21 shares
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