Rachel Nixon BA VetMB CertAVP MRCVS and Lawrence Dodi BVSc MSc MRCVS

Latest articles by Rachel Nixon BA VetMB CertAVP MRCVS and Lawrence Dodi BVSc MSc MRCVS

What is eclampsia in dogs?
Common Conditions
What is eclampsia in dogs?
Whether you are a seasoned breeder, planned first timer or unexpected owner of a pregnant dog, it is wise to be familiar with the problems that can crop up. From pregnancy, giving birth and into early parenthood. This wi…
January 31, 2021 • 102 shares • 2 comments
Does my dog have dry eye?
Common Conditions
Does my dog have dry eye?
Do you find yourself looking over to gaze into the windows of your dog’s soul, only to find your view interrupted by a claggy film of eye bogies? Do you find the view into your pooch’s eyes is less crystal-clear glass bu…
January 12, 2021 • 25 shares
Why is my dog stiff in cold weather - is it just old age?
Common Conditions
Why is my dog stiff in cold weather - is it just old age?
It’s that time of year again as the nights draw in and temperatures plummet. Many, during winter, experience the bite and misery on their joints associated with the blanket of cold weather. As anyone with arthritis will…
January 8, 2021 • 1 shares
Why does my cat have bladder trouble?
Why does my cat have bladder trouble?
Have you just found your cat urinating on your new soft furnishings or in the bathroom again? Are you questioning your cat’s sanity? Are you getting fed up of worrying about whether your cat is going to urinate somewhere…
December 23, 2020 • 249 shares
Can you give human medicines to your pet?
Can you give human medicines to your pet?
While some human medications can be used in pets, others can be very toxic. Unfortunately, it is often assumed that medications that can be bought over the counter for human treatment will also be safe for animals. Meani…
December 13, 2020 • 2 shares
Is my dog depressed?
Is my dog depressed?
The awareness of depression and mental illness in people is finally getting more attention. It is now being treated as a true medical ailment with huge impacts on those affected. We are also realising just how prevalent…
August 12, 2020 • 30 shares
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