Sarah Hunter


Sarah graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, London in 2012 and after a few months of working for animal charities in Africa started working in North Yorkshire where she has been ever since. Sarah works as a mixed vet, treating both small animals and horses, and is currently working towards a certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys exploring the North York Moors through trail running and cycling.

Latest articles by Sarah Hunter

What is pre-authorisation in pet insurance?
Pet Insurance
What is pre-authorisation in pet insurance?
Even if you have pet insurance, there can be that moment of concern before signing the consent form - is this actually covered? With some policies having a confusing array of conditions and exclusions, a “pre-auth” can b…
April 1, 2024 • 18 shares
Is there a medicine for diabetic cats that doesn't need injecting?
Is there a medicine for diabetic cats that doesn't need injecting?
Historically, the only effective treatments for cats with diabetes have been regular insulin injections. While this can lead to excellent diabetic control, it is difficult for some pet guardians to achieve. As a result,…
March 11, 2024 • 39 shares
What to do when your horse dies
end of life
What to do when your horse dies
Making the decision to put your horse to sleep can be very difficult and stressful, especially if the time comes upon you suddenly. However, it is important to be prepared and ensure a plan is put in place. This is impor…
October 10, 2023 • 27 shares
Benefits of Insurance Case Story: Laminitis in a horse
Case study
Benefits of Insurance Case Story: Laminitis in a horse
Milly is a 20 year old Welsh pony. She used to be ridden in pony club activities by her owner’s daughter. But when she outgrew her, Milly was retired. She now lives out all year round in a paddock that she shares with a…
July 19, 2023 • 51 shares
Is radiotherapy available for horses?
Is radiotherapy available for horses?
When horses develop lumps or tumours, the most common ways to treat them include laser removal, surgical removal or the application of chemotherapy creams. However, if the lump happens to be near an eye it makes treatmen…
July 18, 2023 • 12 shares
Insurance for horses - is it really worth it?
Insurance for horses - is it really worth it?
Veterinary fees are expensive, there is no denying that: it is private medical healthcare after all. Even without general anaesthesia and major surgery, bills can soon get into the thousands; which is why insuring your h…
March 20, 2023 • 8 shares
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