Sarah-Jane Molier


Latest articles by Sarah-Jane Molier

Emergency First Aid: What to do if your dog has been bitten by a snake
Emergency First Aid: What to do if your dog has been bitten by a snake
While the U.K. is home to a few different native species of snake, the European Adder is the only venomous snake here. Dogs are at greater risk of adder bites than humans, since dogs are more likely to be sniffing throug…
August 17, 2023 • 967 shares
Why does my rabbit have a fever?
Common Conditions
Why does my rabbit have a fever?
Being a prey species, rabbits will mask signs of illness or disease for as long as possible. This makes it really important to know the subtle signs of illness to look out for. So, let’s explore how you can tell if a rab…
August 8, 2023 • 15 shares
Paw balm for dogs - why is it used?
Paw balm for dogs - why is it used?
You may have noticed a lot of hype around paw balm recently, but what exactly is paw balm, and is it necessary for dogs? Let’s take a look……
July 12, 2023 • 184 shares • 1 comments
When is it too hot to walk your dog?
Animal Welfare
When is it too hot to walk your dog?
As temperatures soar, now is a good time to remind ourselves how dangerous hot weather can be for dogs. In fact, heat stroke can even be fatal, and remarkably quickly. Luckily, it’s almost always preventable! Let’s take…
June 20, 2023 • 541 shares
Why is my rabbit scared of me?
Why is my rabbit scared of me?
Unlike many popular pets, rabbits are a prey species, meaning they are naturally more fearful. Rabbit body language can be tricky to read, so you may be left wondering why your rabbit is acting scared of you. Read on to…
May 12, 2023 • 9 shares
Do cats get skin cancer?
Do cats get skin cancer?
Sadly, the answer is yes: cats can get skin cancer too. While cats can get many types of skin cancer, the most common skin cancer in cats is squamous cell carcinoma, which is caused by exposure to the sun. So, let’s take…
April 22, 2023 • 81 shares
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